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Dream Big 91

The countdown to the Dream Big 100 has begun, and with only nine more to go the next few months will be interesting to say the least. It's a pretty surreal time for me as I am basically setting a timeframe for my goals. Why would I do that you ask? The answer is simple: I set this inconceivable idea for myself when I started my Dream Big column, and I tend to work better under pressure. I know it's almost madness when you sit and ponder it, but I have always felt that if it's meant to be it will happen. I also know that if I've worked really hard to do something for such a long period of time then at some point if I've not achieved my goals I'd have to let go someday. As for now I will be working my way to completing the goals I've set, and continue to share my journey with you.

These past three weeks have been nothing but nonstop excitement. From appliances and plumbing going down, to the mass spring cleaning purge, I've managed to keep my sanity. I'm not sure how, but I have kept it together without having a nervous breakdown, which it is a miracle in itself with four major planetary retrogrades going on to include: Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and everyone's favorite Mercury. I'm lucky to be a Virgo during all of this. As I mentioned above, these next few months will be interesting.

In the midst of all the excitement I've had during these past few weeks I was lucky enough to have landed an acting gig as a barfly in a movie. Now I don't look down on being a BG (background extra) to me any opportunity to work on a set is one step closer to my dream of being a nonstop working actress. You just never know who you will meet, wether it's the director, a producer, or anyone else that is involved on a set, movies or television. I was lucky enough to meet one of the producers, and the director introduced himself to the small group of us that made up the bar clientele. Of course when I realized that one of my favorite tv characters were one of the leads on set I couldn't help but want to at least say hello. Now I am a shy person by nature, but if I'm in front of a camera it's another personality that shows up to work without a bashful bone in her body. I have no idea when the multiple times came to say hello, I just smiled and froze. I'm pretty sure he must have assumed I was this crazy fan girl without a tongue in her head, and I had never felt more regret for not saying hello to someone as I did that day. Perhaps I'll be lucky enough to work with him again someday, and I won't leave for home with regret again.

Aside from the awkward moment of meeting one of my fav tv stars, I did have a great time working on set. Had I not submitted to work I would have never had the opportunity to be a part of that magic that you feel when you're on a busy set. And that is the regrets I don't ever want to have. Yes there are challenges you face when trying to "beak into the business", but I look at it as my business. I'm careful what I choose to do in order for it to work to my advantage. I don't want to work in too large of a BG scene because I'll end up fading away with the crowd, so I choose smaller scenes with fewer individuals so I could have a better chance for camera time. I am positive that will sound selfish or snobbish to some, but for those who are striving to become an actor you know exactly what I'm referring to. And I don't feel guilty. I know that if I keep working hard to keep my ethics business friendly I'll achieve what I want, but I have to remain patient, positive, and proactive. It doesn't matter what your goals are in life, nothing comes easy, and it won't happen overnight, so you have to work for it.

Within these final weeks of the countdown I will be working on my guest list for Season 3, and I will be putting together some new ideas to revamp the show. Third seasons the charm right? Let's hope so. I know that I'm ready to move forward, and put Dream Big on the map. It won't be easy, but if I can get a little helping hand from my readers, or my viewers, I know that together we can make it happen. I can't do it without the fans, and the show won't go on without you. So please share the column, or any of the episodes, subscribe to the channel, visit my website, and or write something that you liked about it in the comments section. Any of those things will help to spread the word and help us to become a household name. And as always I want to personally thank all of you for being part of the Dream Big family. Thank you.

When in doubt remember the three P's for a healthy mindset, so keep patient, positive, and proactive no matter what you do. You only live once in this lifetime so make sure it's without regrets, and always dream big.

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