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Dream Big 79

The holidays have come and gone followed by a new year full of promise. I do not do the whole New Year's resolution thing; they always go unfulfilled like a fad diet. When I make goals they are a permanent life-long challenge that I make in order to achieve success. And I don't take those lightly; I obsess with them.

I have constructed a list of my plans to make happen this year that have already been set in motion last year, but I intend to kick things up a notch or two. First things first, I will continue to go further in my acting career. There are so many new and exciting opportunities that only come around so often, and I don't intend to miss a minute of it. I want to travel and visit new cities while I'm working on set somewhere; and learn everything I can to further my acting education. I want my resume to become so full of new acting credits that I have to take off all the starter jobs I had as an extra. It may be a tall order to make, but I'm going to see to it by the end of this year I can say I achieved my goal.

Second on my make it happen list, is fulfilling my goal I have set for Dream Big. It's nearing the 100th anniversary since I began my column, and sharing with everyone my journey to become a professional pinup model, actress, and author. I'm determined by that time I'll have made at least two out of three of my personal dreams come true. Now since then I have also added a fourth personal goal, and that is to bring my Dream Big show to a national level; from just an internet show to a real television show. I know that will be my biggest challenge because I won't be able to do that alone. I can't bring my show to the life it deserves without all of the fans out there who watch it, or new fans that we can bring into the fold. But we can't develop new fans without you guys out there sharing the videos. So please watch, like, and share the episodes with your families, friends, and anyone else that you know that could use a little inspiration in their lives. No dream is too small, but together we can make dreams big.

Third on my make it happen list, is to finish working on my manuscript. It needs only a bit of polishing to really bring out the shine before I send it off to literary agents with the hope that I'll catch their attention. This industry is by far the hardest to break into out of all the entertainment industries. I know from personal experience, and over a hundred personal rejections I've had collectively between agents, and small publishing houses. If it's not perfect they don't want it, but it's also such a subjective industry. I'm not going to give up, I will finish my book, and then send it out into the literary world once again! Until then, I must replace a cord to my MacBook Air in order to simply turn it on; because the battery is long since dead. Thanks cats.

Those are my intended goals for the 2017 year of hope. I'm going to ring it in with the belief that I will make it happen, and this year will be my year to shine. I can't thank everyone enough who's been in my corner through this course of my life, and who believes in me. Thank you.

No matter how many times I've been afraid that I'll fail, or how many times I've wanted to give up; I remind myself that I'll die of a broken heart full of regret if I quit now. All that I have left is hope at the bottom of this box called life, I must believe in that hope, and always dream big.

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