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Dream Big 40 (Special Edition) My Interview with Sue Martin, of ASM Upholstery

Big dreams or little dreams, we all have them. From the time we were children our imaginations ran wild, we had our favorite heroes and others who inspired us as to what we wanted to be when we grew up. Now we're adults and still inspired by others who are chasing their dreams and or living them as we speak. I am always inspired by the stories that are shared by friends, family, or even strangers, and especially by those who have accomplished their dreams and continue to strive for the loved ones in their lives. One person that I am so honored to share their story is Sue Martin, of ASM Auto Upholstery. Sue is my inspiration because of the hard work and dedication she had to achieve her dreams. I'm very fortunate that she was able to take time for the interview via email correspondence.

Me: What was your first childhood dream? What did you want to be when you grew up?

Sue: To be a Kung Fu fighter.

Me: How did you come to doing upholstery for vehicles? Have you ever upholstered furniture?

Sue: A friend of mine, Adam De La Rosa, introduced me to the upholstery industry. Yes, I do upholster furniture along with airplane, boat and of course automotive interior.

Me: Do you have any unique hobbies? What are your favorite hobbies if you have more than one?

Sue: Unfortunately, with all the hours I pull, around 74 a week, I don’t have much time for anything else.

Me: What is your favorite genre of movies? What is your favorite movie of all time?

Sue: Bruce Lee - The way of the Dragon.

Me: What is your favorite make and model vehicle?

Sue: I enjoy all makes and models but if I have to choose it would be my 1956 Ford pick up.

Me: What would be the ultimate upholstery job you want to have?

Sue: My future retirement vehicle.

Me: What has been the crowning achievement of your career so far?

Sue: Being part of two fantastic shows on Discovery Channel’s Fast N’ Loud and Fired Up Garage.

Me: What is the next big dream for yourself and Asm Auto Upholstery?

Sue: My next dream is ultimately to retire and pass down the business to my daughter.

Me: If you had the chance to go back to the beginning and do anything else, would you?

Sue: Absolutely not! Everything good and bad that has happened has brought me to this very minute.

Me: What would be the best advice for someone that's chasing their dreams?

Sue: Work hard and never, never, never give up.

When you work hard towards your goals there's nothing that can stop you, but you. It's not easy work, but no matter what you must never give up. If you are truly in love with your work then it's never “just work”, it's the life which sprouted from the seeds of dreams you planted. Now it's time to watch them grow into the clouds for you to climb until you reach the top. Don't look down, never give up, keep reaching to the stars, and always dream big.

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